
January 13, 2016

Live on In-Tune

We were thrilled to appear live on BBC Radio 3’s In-Tune from the Tate Modern as part of their #newyearnewmusic festival.  We performed Capricci (Augusta Read Thomas), dreams, shadows, and smoke… (Patrick Harrex), NocturNe (Benjamin Graves) and Edgard Varèse’s seminal Density 21.5 (alongside Calder’s wire sculpture of his friend).

Our players spoke live on-air to Suzy Klein about our work and the music, and you can listen back to the entire performance until 7th February.

Here are some pictures of our sound check before the event!

Rehearsing Harrex

Rehearsing Harrex

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Adam Swayne speaking to presenter Suzy Klein

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The audience starts to arrive!

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Alena performing Density 21.5

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Sound check of Augusta Read Thomas’ Capricci