
October 4, 2017

Carter Double Concerto

Date: Friday 12th January, 8.00pm
Venue: LSO St. Luke’s (EC1V 9NG)

We’re hugely excited to kick off 2018 with a rare performance of Elliott Carter’s masterful Double Concerto, with Riot soloists Adam Swayne (Piano) and Goska Isphording (Harpsichord).  Carter’s work will be placed alongside two varied emerging American composers.  Molly Joyce, one of seven composers chosen in our 2017 Call for Scores will have a world premiere of a new work in this concert, and we will give the UK Premiere of Pierce Gradone’s To Paint Their Madness.  The concert will last an hour and will be followed by a drinks reception with the artists and composers.

Tickets are £10, and are available online from the LSO.
