Date: Saturday 7th May; 7.00pm Venue: Palmers Green United Reformed Church In association with the foreSOUND school of music, we’re so excited for our annual education project encouraging and training the next generation of composers. Numerous young foreSOUND students have been selected to attend an instrument introduction day with our players (27th Feb) and take composition lessons with […]
We are thrilled to announce that Nina C. Young will be our 2016 Composer in Residence! During the course of 2016 we will give the UK premiere of a number of Nina’s works, alongside a co-comission (with Ensemble Échapeé) of a new viola concerto. Nina’s has a unique background in engineering, and she describes her music as […]
This Friday we present the final concert of the foreSOUND 2015 Young Composer of the Year Award. It has been an absolute pleasure to work with these new composers, who have blown us away with their creativity and passion. You can check out their scores (which we typeset for them) here:
We’re having a great time working with five young composers (Samuel Carrington, Nikhita Nandi, Marie-Louise Ptohos, Amelia Mills and Molly Kain) from the foreSOUND school of music as they prepare their pieces for our 15th May ‘Young Composer of the Year‘ concert. We began by introducing the students to the instruments they would be writing […]
Date: Friday 15th May; 7.30pm Venue: Palmers Green United Reformed Church In association with the foreSOUND school of music, we’re running an education project to encourage and train the next generation of composers. Five young foreSOUND students have been selected to attend an instrument introduction day with our players (28th Feb) and take composition lessons with our Artistic Director […]
I am absolutely delighted to announce that the call for scores for The Riot Ensemble’s 2014-15 Portfolio Scheme with Sound and Music are now open! This will be the first Portfolio Scheme to pair emerging UK composers with international musicians. There will be a public UK masterclass from each of these musicians in November, followed by […]
Tomorrow evening at The Forge in Camden we’re opening up a new series of contemporary music concerts called Wednesdays at The Forge. The concert is a rather extraordinary array of low instruments: 5 Bass Clarinets, 5 Bassoons (including 3 contrabassoons) and 4 Trombones, along with Tenor. Opening up the concert, will be a brand new […]
Of all the pieces in our concert this Friday, only two will be ‘non-first’ pieces. One of these will be Harrison Birtwistle’s second wind-quintet Five Distances for Five Instruments, and the second will also be a wind quintet: the very beautiful Halazuni by Alastair Putt. (Here performed by Martha Long (flute), Graham Mackenzie (oboe), Danny Goldman (clarinet), Elyse […]
We’re really pleased to announce that we’re running our first call for scores! The call is in collaboration with the fantastic East Coast Contemporary Ensemble. Two scores will be selected for performance at both The Forge (Camden, 16th July) and The Meetinghouse (Brighton, 17th July) as part of our Transatlantic Collaborations projects. You can apply […]