
Huddersfield Contemporary Records

Alessandrini HCR Recording (2)

Date: Sun 2nd December Venue: University of Huddersfield After our exciting collaborations with Patricia Alessandrini at Goldsmiths earlier this year, we’re hugely excited to be involved in recording three of her pieces for an upcoming portrait disc on Huddersfield Contemporary Records.  We’ll travel up to Huddersfield and on 2nd December record her work for vocalist […]

Alessandrini HCR Recording (1)

Date: Sat 1st December Venue: University of Huddersfield After our exciting collaborations with Patricia Alessandrini at Goldsmiths earlier this year, we’re hugely excited to be involved in recording three of her pieces for an upcoming portrait disc on Huddersfield Contemporary Records.  We’ll travel up to Huddersfield and on 1st December record her chamber works Funeral […]