
Matthias Pintscher

Royal Liverpool Philharmonic: Close Up Concert

Date: Mon 25th Nov, 2019 Time: 8pm Venue: Music Room, Royal Liverpool Philharmonic (L1 9BP) Riot Ensemble feature in the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic’s Close Up Concerts series, giving you the chance to experience works by Kaija Saariaho, Lee Hyla, Bernhard Gander, Marc Mellits, and Matthias Pintscher in an intimate and relaxed setting in the Liverpool Philharmonic Music Room.

Arrangements of Five

Date: Tuesday 8th May Time: 8pm Venue: Deptford Town Hall (SE14 6AF) In the first of two 2018 concerts at Goldsmiths University, SIX Riot Ensemble performers arrange themselves in various groupings in the music of Patricia Alessandrini (Hommage à Purcell), Morton Feldman (The Viola in My Life), Matthias Pintscher (Janusgesicht) and Aaron Holloway-Nahum (Arrangements of Five).