
April 13, 2015

Young Composers at Work

We’re having a great time working with five young composers (Samuel Carrington, Nikhita Nandi, Marie-Louise Ptohos, Amelia Mills and Molly Kain) from the foreSOUND school of music as they prepare their pieces for our 15th May ‘Young Composer of the Year‘ concert.

We began by introducing the students to the instruments they would be writing for (Flute, Soprano, Piano, Violin and Cello) in a day of workshops.

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The students then went away and wrote sketches, which they’ve been working on in a couple of lessons with our Artistic Director, Aaron Holloway-Nahum.


The players themselves will chose a ‘winning’ piece that we’ll perform again in 2016, and the audience will also select a piece to hear again on the night. We can’t wait to see – and give the World premieres – of all five pieces in a couple weeks.